3 x 495,00 DKK + VAT for first 3 months.
3 x 1695 DKK + VAT for first 3 months.
CPH:OFFICE - free / Yearly discount
Get 1 month free, pay 11 x 495,00 DKK + VAT.
(+ 125,00 DKK in additional payment)
3 x 495,00 DKK (+ 125,00 DKK) + VAT for first 3 months.
CPH:OFFICE - free / Yearly discount
Get 1 month free, pay 11 x 495,00 DKK (+ 125,00 DKK) + VAT.
Terms of trade in Danish and English.
Payment Cards: Dankort, Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express, Discover Network.
Beløbet hæves straks du har gennemført betalingen. Der er ingen fortrydelsesret på betalingen jf. opsigelsesvarslet i din indgåede lejekontrakt. Eventuelle reklamationer stiles til administrationen hos CPH:OFFICE ApS på info@cphoffice.dk
The amount will be withdrawn immediately as the payment is completed. There will be no right of cancellation on the payment cf. the term of notice in your lease agreement. Any complaints should be adressed to the administration at CPH:OFFICE ApS on info@cphoffice.dk